Jielun (Chris) Chen


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I’m a 3rd-year Ph.D. student at Caltech, advised by Prof. Garnet Chan and Prof. John Preskill. I’m particularly interested in quantum computing and quantum chemistry. Recently I’ve been working on tensor network methods and quantum algorithms.

Previously, I obtained my B.S. from UC Irvine with a double major in physics and computer science. I had research experiences with Prof. Steve White on tensor network methods and with Prof. Kieron Burke on density functional theory.

Publications & Preprints

  1. Quantum linear algebra for disordered electrons
    Jielun Chen, Garnet K. Chan
  2. Positive bias makes tensor-network contraction tractable
    Jiaqing Jiang, Jielun Chen, Norbert Schuch, Dominik Hangleiter
  3. Sign problem in tensor network contraction
    Jielun Chen, Jiaqing Jiang, Dominik Hangleiter, Norbert Schuch
    [PRX Quantum 2024] [arXiv:2404.19023]
  4. Direct interpolative construction of the discrete Fourier transform as a matrix product operator
    (alphabetical order) Jielun Chen, Michael Lindsey
  5. Quantum Fourier transform has small entanglement
    Jielun Chen, E.M. Stoudenmire, Steven R. White
    [PRX Quantum 2023] [arXiv:2210.08468]
  6. How well does Kohn–Sham regularizer work for weakly correlated systems?
    Bhupalee Kalita, Ryan Pederson, Jielun Chen, Li Li, Kieron Burke
    [J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022] [arXiv:2110.14846]
  7. Conditional probability density functional theory
    Ryan Pederson, Jielun Chen, Steven R. White, Kieron Burke
    [Phys. Rev. B 2022] [arXiv:2203.09647]

Invited Talks

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